Saturday, July 20, 2013

Returning to Prayer

Today for the first time in a while, I am enjoying a quiet morning.  It has been a busy week with study, my day job and my ministry preparations.  I have worked hard.  In my off hours, I have been so tired that I have come home and filled my free time with TV and radio.  I began to feel that I had not heard the voice of God in a while.  So this morning, I am on my back porch with a couple of good devotional books and am enjoying returning to a place of prayer.
I often wonder how Mother Theresa handled it all: being both a contemplative and in a very active order.  How did she find those moments of spiritual retreat while caring constantly for the suffering?  I still struggle to find that balance.  I find myself rushing through the Daily office, rushing my prayers and rushing off to the next task.  When is the last time that I read the Psalms slow and let them sink in?  And I find myself forgetting to pray as I get busier and busier.  I had grown accustomed to having prayer rise in me like a spring, but as I get more distracted, it happens less.

Perhaps this is the quest of the contemplative in a busy world: to constantly strive to find a way to be both a person of prayer and a person of service.  Perhaps the struggle is the point.  At any rate, I will continue to try to learn to live both as God enables me.