Friday, November 15, 2013

Swimming in the Murky Waters

There are times when following Christ seems much more of a murkier business.  These are times when the right or wrong path seems less clear.  In some cases, there may not be a clear good path at all, but one must choose between two less-than-desirable options.  In these times, one may wonder if God can be glorified at all.  We may have to take an unpopular stand or buck the system some.  We may seem evil to someone.  In the end we must choose, making the best of the discernment process that we can.

In these times, it helps to be reminded of God's providence.  Before you were born, God knew that you would be in this position and he knew what choice you would make.  We must also remember that God is for us.  Take time to read Psalm 121.  The Lord is looking out for us.  We can always take comfort in that.

We may get less-than-stellar advice, and we may wonder if we have made a mistake.  We are all imperfect, and there will be mistakes.  There will be a time for reflection and repentance, but God understands this.  He doesn't require perfection.  He requires obedience.

I am still not sure how God can be glorified in some of these places.  We may feel like a failure.  We may have burned bridges that we wanted to preserve.  Relationships may be wounded and losses suffered by all. However, if we seek him, he will be glorified in the end.