You have called us to
put on the humility of Christ, yet I find that I so fear it. I so often find myself growing indignant at
any little mistreatment. I feel the need
to stand up for my rights. I raise my
chin, square my solders and look the world in the eyes. How far short I fall from Christ, who bore
the scourging of leather, bone and shards.
I so little bear the lashing of tongues.
Christ’s flesh was torn on my behalf, but I shrink from the smallest wounding
my pride.
You said that you raise the lowly. Do I trust you for that? Do I trust that the more I am humbled on
earth, the more I am raised up in Heaven?
Do I trust that you will be my advocate, so I need not be? How little my faith must appear to you. Such little trouble and I doubt. Help my unbelief.
Help me father to bear the heel of man if that means the
kiss of God. Help me to feel so secure
in your love and pleasure in me so that I do not care how some devalue me. Help me, following Christ, to bear the cross
that you have given me so that I might take hold of the glory that you have in
store for me. In all that befalls me,
help me to feel secure in your love of me.