There was a time when things seemed more obvious, like all of heaven was smiling down on me. A job came to me without my looking. I had a great apartment. My star was rising it seamed. How suddenly things can come crashing down.
Now I find myself penniless (nearly) and two months from being homeless for a while. Ahead of me I see a call that is burning in my soul. How to get there? I look to see the road ahead, but it is all a mist of "what if." Common sense says that it can't work. Pessimism says that many fall and never rise again: why should I be any different.
But there is you, and I know that you hold me in your hand. You never promised that things would be easy. You never promised that there would not be real danger. But you did promise that you would not let me fall. You hold me in your hand and you will not drop me.
I reach out in faith, knowing that I am loved and called: knowing that he who died for me will sustain me in life. Now I know that it is not "what if," but "when" and "wait and see how." My anxiety falls away because I know that there is no chance: there is no "this is what I deserve." There is only love and grace.